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Weekly Words Of Wisdom

BE ON GUARD. STAND TRUE TO WHAT YOU BELIEVE. BE COURAGEOUS. BE STRONG.' 1 Corinthians 16:13. BE ON YOUR GUARD! The enemy is out to get you - he's after the DEPOSIT OF GOD that is within you. YOU'RE A SEED CAPABLE OF PRODUCING A HARVEST FOR GOD IN THE EARTH, SO PROTECT YOURSELF! STAND TRUE TO WHAT YOU BELIEVE! You can't stand on your PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES or the OPINIONS OF OTHERS because those things constantly change. No, YOU CAN ONLY STAND ON THE WORD OF GOD. BE COURAGEOUS! BE STRONG! Weakness is an invitation to your enemy. It always precedes surrender, and QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION FOR YOU! God told His people that THE PROMISED LAND was theirs, but they had to FIGHT FOR IT. And He's saying the same to you today! Amen!

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